Ελληνική έκδοση

Carnival Celebration

As every year, the Day Center of Panhellenic Association of Families for Mental Health (S.O.P.S.I.) organized a carnival celebration.

This celebration took place on February the 28th.  Friends of the residents were present as well as the Day Center personnel and the volunteers. The board of S.O.P.S.I. were represented by Mr Andronikos, Mr Xiromeritis and Mrs Loli.

Everyone was wearing costumes made by the Day Center members and Mrs Vernikou took care of their make-up.

Plentiful dishes, good cheer, Latin and Greek dance marked that day.

A big surprise happened when the President of the Board, Mr Andronikos, appeared dressed up in a “mysterious costume”. Everyone was especially interested in this “mysterious” person and tried through questions to find his identity. Eventually, Mr Andronikos revealed his identity after dancing in latin rhythm.

Andonis Katsamagos


Kraounaki Kyriaki
Secretary of S.O.P.S.I.